Saturday, August 16, 2008


Just to let you know the subject of Hypermiling is some what new to us as we have been dedicating most of our study time into the fields of HHO and Hydrogen on demand systems which we have had great success with. We have proven gains of about 32% more mileage per gallon of gas in two separate vehicles. Here

For this part of our gas saving technology we used building guides from water4gas.

Along with the Hydrogen generator plans we got a lot of awesome bonus material that covers all kinds of gas saving technique which include hypermiling, a some what new yet fascinating subject to us.

We didn't realize that there was so many ways of saving gas just by changing the way you drive. some of the "obsessive" hypermilers are claiming record breaking mileage.

It is our intention to apply some, or a lot of Hypermiling technique to our driving on the cars that already have our HHO systems and bring back some outrageous results.
Here are some beginners Gas Saving stuff, try them. We will post some advanced stuff next post.

Hypermiling 101:

1. Go easy on the accelerator and follow the speed limit. It's a no brainier, but how many people actually drive 55 mph? Fuel economy drops like a stone above 60 mph, so slow down. You'll bump your fuel economy by 7 to 23 percent.
2. Take all the junk out of your trunk. Why are you hauling those tire chains in July? Wen's the last time you used those golf clubs? That big brush guard with the million-candlepower lights may look cool, but it's killing your fuel economy. Every 100 pounds of stuff you're needlessly hauling around drops your fuel economy by 1 to 2 percent. Ditch it and it'll rise accordingly. While you're at it, lose the roof rack and gain another 5 percent. Keep the spare though. You'll need that.
3. Get a tune-up and use the lightest viscosity oil your engine will live with. A well-tuned engine is an efficient engine, and lighter weight oil reduces drag. Can't remember the last time you had a tune-up? Getting one could raise your fuel economy as much as 10 percent.
4. Keep your tires properly inflated. The softer the tire, the greater the rolling resistance - and the more gas you burn. Being 10 pounds under pressure can cut fuel efficiency by 4 percent. Pump those babies up!
5. Don't idle. How many miles per gallon do you get sitting in the drive through? Zero, that's how many. If you're going to be stationary for more than 30 seconds, turn off the engine.

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